ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV Municipal Police Training Academy to graduate 13 cadets

mu police academy graduationThirteen cadets, members of the 120th class of the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV University Municipal Police Training Academy, will graduate on Friday at 11 a.m. in Walker Recital Hall, situated in the Audrey Hirt Academic Center on the Erie campus.

Erie County District Attorney Elizabeth Hirz is guest speaker.

Upon completion of the program, students are prepared for positions as police officers, park rangers, municipal authority officers, and many other positions within the criminal justice system. Two of the graduating cadets— Kelvin Munoz-Carrero and Joshua Semczuk—are scheduled to be sworn in as City of Erie police officers on Tuesday, Dec. 20.

Graduates are Malik W. Alassedy, Timothy J. Beveridge, Alex P. Bielak, Holly K. Hess, Kyle E. Mathis, Kelvin R. Munoz-Carrero, Joshua S. Semczuk, and Alyssa G. Turner, all of Erie; Nicole M. Barley and Erin M. Froehlich, both of McKean; Maxwell B. Fuller, Guys Mills; Mitchell L. Hayden, Bradford; and Shane J. Kelly, Warren.

The Municipal Police Training Academy is located in the Janet L. Miller Building at 5999 State Route 89 in North East. It is under the direction of Bill Hale.